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Civic Discourse on the mechanisms for successful implementation of indirect elections in Somalia 2020-2021.

Hay’adda  Somali Youth Volunteers Association (SOYVA NGO) Waxay qabatay labo maalin oo ah dood wadaag ku saabsan mashruuca meel marinta ee Doorishooyinka Dadban ee lafilaayo inay Dalka ay ka dhacdo.waxayna ku aqatay magaaladda Mugadishu-Somaaliya .

Civic discourse on the mechanisms for successful implementation of indirect elections 2020-2021.

This program supported by Electoral of  institution for sustainable democracy in Africa (EISA) Office Somalia.

Implemented by Somali Youth Volunteers Association (SOYVA NGO) Office Mogadishu-Somalia

Venue:  Sahafi Hotel Mogadishu-Somalia.

Date:  9th-10th 2020


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